Working with Media for Advanced and Tempted
01.04.2014 - Marina Krivonozova

   On the 27th and the 28th of March, 2014 in Sofia was held a training called "Working with media for advanced and tempted “ within the framework of Roma MATRIX project, implemented by the National Network of Health Mediators and funded by the program "Fundamental Rights and Citizenship " of the European Union.

   The aim of the training was receiving additional knowledge and skills for the best and often working with media Health mediators and help shaping a media campaign together. So far, the idea is to acknowledge various special events and to develop a video presenting Roma in a positive and constructive light - as active participants in the development of society. A key factor would be the good examples and good news at all, which is not easy for today's media, accustomed to seek sensationalism and catastrophes to attract the attention of the public.

   Tsveta Petkova and Dilyana Dilkova (respectively Manager and Coordinator of the project) facilitated the proposals of the Health mediators. Discussed were the specific ideas for shooting a short film in which Health mediators and Roma medical students are going to present their work, their achievements and share their dreams. The idea of ​​the campaign is to imply that there are no differences, there are exceptions and there are very good examples- it is important to ask to see and appreciate them.

   Project experts Radosveta Stamenkova and Vencislav Kirkov had prepared information sessions and also encouraged the Health mediators to show their skills in front of a camera as a blitz interview in pairs and Ralitsa Hristova (volunteer and a peer educator to BFPA) explained briefly on the latest trends in development of social networks and social media. Within the training was also discussed the draft of the manual for media field workers and vulnerable groups, which is being prepared. It will be published and distributed next month.


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